High Gabriel Water Supply Corporation
Page 2      2006 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
Where do we get our drinking water?
Our drinking water is obtained from GROUND water sources. It comes from the following Lake/River/Reservoir/Aquifer: TWIN MOUNTAIN - TRAVIS PEAK, TRINITY LOWER. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) completed an assessment of our source water and results indicate that some of our sources are susceptible to certain contaminants. The sampling requirements for our water system are based on this susceptibility and previous sample data. Any detections of these contaminants will be found in this report. If we receive or purchase water from another system, their susceptibility is not included in this assessment. For more information on source water assessments and protection efforts at our system, please contact us.

ALL drinking water may contain contaminants.
When drinking water meets federal standards there may not be any health based benefits to purchasing bottled water or point of use devices. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably he expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hot line (1-800-426-4791).

Secondary Constituents
Many constituents (such as calcium, sodium, or iron) which are often found in drinking water, can cause taste, color, and odor problems. The taste and odor constituents are called secondary constituents and are regulated by the State of Texas, not the EPA. These constituents are not causes for health concern. Therefore, secondaries are not required to be reported in this document but they may greatly affect the appearance and taste of your water.
About The Following Pages
The pages that follow list all of the federally regulated or monitored contaminants which have been found in your drinking water. The U.S. EPA requires water systems to test for up to 97 contaminants.

Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
The highest permissible level of a contaminant in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGS as feasible using the best available treatment technology.
Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)
The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected health risk. MCLGS allow for a margin of safety.
Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (MRDL)
The highest level of disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.
Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal (MRDLG)
The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contamination.
Treatment Technique (TT)
A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.
Action Level (AL)
The concentration of a contaminant which if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow.
NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Units
MFL - million fibers per liter (a measure of asbestos)
pCi/L -picocuries per liter (a measure of radioactivity)
ppm - parts per million, or milligrams per liter (mg/L)
ppb - parts per billion, or micrograms per liter (micrograms/U)
ppt - parts per trillion, or nanograrns per liter
ppq - parts per quadrillion, or picograms per liter
2460027      Page 2      2006 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

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High Gabriel Water
Supply Corporation

Contact Information
P.O. Box 2799
Cedar Park, TX 78630
Office: 512-259-3888
Emergencies: 512-589-7031
Email: billing@texaswater.net
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